No. 10  Class: Expert  SHD Rating: 178
6 8  4   
   51 49 
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1       5
 659 178 
8       1
   8  56 
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   1  3 7
Copyright © Greg Shalless 2005-2025 SOLUTION
Locked-Triples, Locked-Pairs, 2x2-Gridlock, 3x3-Gridlock & XY-Zap
(see the Tutorial on this puzzle here).
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* Elegant - the Net's most beautiful Sudoku puzzles.
Sudoku Puzzles
This puzzle appeared in mX newspaper on 9/6/2006.
To reproduce this puzzle, other than for personal use, without permission is a breach of Copyright.
The key Solving Rules to solve or unlock the puzzle are shown below it.
Grid Size
Dear mX Readers (& other visitors to this page),
There is no provision for you to solve this puzzle online. The page is printer-friendly, so just print it out (with Landscape orientation for best results), grab yourself a pen and solve it the way Sudoku was meant to be solved. To display/print a bigger grid select one of the Grid Size options provided. These puzzles can be Pasted directly into Sudoku-Help-Plus to help you learn how to apply the Solving Rules.
Sadly Puzzle No. 1675 to appear on the 28th June 2013 will be the last Sudoku puzzle of mine to appear in mX. Of course the Website will always be here and you can go back and reprint and redo any of the 1,675 Sudoku puzzles that graced the pages of mX over the last 7 years, any time you like. I hope you had as much fun trying to solve them as I did creating them.
Regards Greg Shalless